
DVD Signing, Gathering of Eagles, Winchester Civil War Museum

Now that the Thomas Jefferson book is completed and doing well, I was thinking about a future project that will meet the requirements of my publisher The History Press. The goal is to write something that is original and tied to the City of Fredericksburg. Looking at some options I came upon the idea of compiling the letters of Hugh Mercer for a short biography (approx. 200 pages). Mercer left his mark on the Revolution and lived in Fredericksburg. Like Jefferson, Mercer left behind an impressive legacy that is still commemorated to this day. The working title is: Hugh Mercer, The Extraordinary Life and Death of Fredericksburg’s Patriotic Physician.

Publishers and authors who would like me to review books should contact me at I am happy to look at books related to the Civil War, Revolutionary War, Founding Fathers and 18th and 19th century United States history. Reviews will be posted on this blog and Today’s History Lesson Facebook page.

I am available for book signings. If books are purchased in advance by the author, book profits go to the author. If books are purchased in advance by the host, book profits go to the host. All ticket profits go to the host. No speaker’s fee, but gas allowance for extended travel requested. Requirements: Digital projector or monitor to display PowerPoint from laptop. Podium. Contact me at